Friday Funny Pages: I Want To Prepare For War!

Now we prepare!  Prepare for war . . . . as we always have”  With an orgy!

Hotchi motchi!  Yes, let us prepare for war!  This is how everyone should prepare for every war!  I think there would be a lot fewer fatalities in all wars that follow such preparations.  If you haven’t guessed by now this comes from a Wonder Woman comic, from which issue exactly, I’m not sure.  It doesn’t really matter.  I’m guessing this isn’t actually supposed to be portraying a lesbian gang bang, rather it’s supposed to be some sort of sporting wrestling practice.  Honestly though, look at those two in the foreground, that doesn’t look like any wrestling moves I’ve ever seen.

This panel immediately brings up two thoughts: 1)  How do Superman and Batman get anything done while this place exists. and 2) I really want to start a series that features Blue Beetle (Ted Kord) and Booster Gold dressing in drag in an attempt to gain access to the training grounds of the Amazons.  An. Entire. Series.  It would be fantastic.  It would be like Bosom Buddies, but with superheroes.

Anyway, back to what you were doing!

That is all!



My Most Anticipated Geek Movies Of 2012

Finally I return to my dear sweet Mindless Philosophy after several weeks away being lazy and engrossed in new video games.  The holidays are over now, a new year is here, and I really have to get back into my writing routines!  So no more silence and inactivity from me, you will now witness the firepower of this fully armed and operational blog!

As the title of this entry suggests I’ve decided to start this new blogging year off with a quick list of some of the movies I am most looking forward to in 2012.  It looks like this is going to be another banner year for movies of every sort, but for the purposes of this entry I’m just going to focus on the films that have a geekier bend to them.  You might remember the poll we had a few weeks back which asked you the readers what you wanted to see more of here, one of the most common answers was more movie stuff.  Well here we go!

My Most Anticipated Geek Movies Of 2012

Click the titles of each movie to see the trailers

(In no particular order)

The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey

I don’t think I really need to explain why this movie is on this list.  The works of Tolkien are unparalleled writing and are the epic standard for an entire genre of fiction.  The Lord of the Rings movies met that challenge by turning the classic trilogy into a triumphant cinematic experience, a feat that supposedly couldn’t be done.  However Peter Jackson accomplished it.  Finally now, after many years of waiting we are returning to the beginning.  For a long time things looked grim for the production of the Hobbit, budget cuts, studio infighting, and the departure of Guillermo del Toro as director made me think that this Hobbit duology would never see the light of day.  Thankfully I was wrong.  Peter Jackson was forced to step out from a more passive producer role and back into the directors chair for this set of sure-to-be-epic Hobbit adventure films, and though I regret not getting to see Middle Earth through del Toro’s eyes there should be a pleasant familiarity with these new movies and the hulking trilogy of awesomeness we already have.


I. Love. Ridley. Scott.  The aesthetic of his films is what I wish my life looked like, in particular I would love to live among the world of Legend and/or Blade Runner.  Of course we can’t forget about Alien which leads us to this movie, Prometheus.  This has been a enigmatic and secretive project and information about it has been slow in coming.  When it first came out there were rumors that it was an Alien prequel, then there was talk that it strictly had nothing to do with Alien, followed by a concession that maybe it did have a little to do with Alien but was not a direct prequel per se.  Ok so this movie is secretive, highly under wraps, and takes place in the Alien universe?  Count me in.  PLUS they’ve let it be known that the crew that we see in the trailer is essentially on a mission to find the origin of life in the universe when they stumble upon some weird ancient planet and a bunch of crazy shit goes down.  Sure, let’s do this!

The Dark Knight Rises

Come on, it’s the last of the Nolan Batman movies, who isn’t going to go see this?  Sure I’ve heard some shit talked by the fanboys about the strange look of Bane, how Cat Woman and Bane were bad choices for this final installment, and how it will be damned near impossible to outdo any aspect of the Dark Knight.  Heck, I even share in some of these worried sentiments but honestly I have incredible faith in Christopher Nolan, he has yet to disappoint me as a director.  I don’t hide the fact that I’m not a huge DC comics fan.  I mean I do like some DC Animal Man, Green Lantern, Blue Beetle, and the entirety of the JSA are some of my favorite characters of all time, but when it comes to movies Marvel has the superhero genre on lock down.  Batman is DC’s cinematic golden boy and he has been doing a hell of a job and if half the rumors I’ve heard about The Dark Knight Rises are true, we’re in for one hell of a last ride!

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance

Ok so what was it I was just saying about Marvel movies?  So yeah remember the first Ghost Rider movie, it was kind of meh.  Personally I didn’t think it was as terrible as everyone likes to make it out to be, but it did suffer from terrible villains which I think can really cripple any superhero flick.  If the villains aren’t cool and interesting the movie isn’t going to be cool and interesting.  Others like to put the blame on Nic Cage but I refuse to back down from my love for Nic Cage.  I could watch that crazy bastard work his magic through any movie.  Personally I think he is a perfect fit for the over the top premise and insane continuity of the Ghost Rider.  This new Spirit of Vengeance looks like it has really taken off in a different direction from the first one, which I am incredibly thankful for.  Ghost Rider is far too cool of a property to simply die out after one mediocre attempt.  The trailer for the sequel has promise, I can’t say whether or not the movie will be good but it seems to have fixed the villain issue, and appears to be chock full of crazy action sequences making use of the Ghost Riders hell granted mystical powers.  So there’s that at least.

The Return of the Killer Klowns From Outer Space in 3D

The Killer Klowns From Outer Space was one of the first cult horror movies I ever really got into.  As a kid I remember watching it as the afternoon movie on one of the local stations (when such things were still done) and being immediately hooked, fascinated by the sheer oddity of it.  That movie was ridiculous, creepy, weird, and hilarious all at the same time.  Nowadays of course it’s mostly just hilarious, although those alien clowns still hold up as pretty creepy.  As of now there is hardly any information on the production of this movie or any solid timeline for its release.  Personally I will be standing by anxiously anticipating any further tid bits about this zany sci-fi horror sequel.  If you are not familiar with the Killer Klowns I suggest that you find a copy of the first film and take some time to sit down and study the glory of it so that you will be caught up and ready for their return in 3D!

The Avengers

Iron Man.  Captain America.  Thor.  The Hulk.  Need I say more?  In a similar way that folks once said that the Lord of the Rings books could never be made into a movie, people also commented that a big superhero team would never see the big screen.  Over the years both of the big comic book publishers dealt licscencing agreements to dozens of media production outlets for most of their biggest characters which often lead to conflicting visions and interests for the characters and any future film projects.  This meant that it was essentially a legal and logistical nightmare to ever get multiple characters on the same screen at the same time.  Now however here we are.  Marvel has their legal house in order, they opened their own movie studio, and they’re finally putting their heroes to work only now they’re making them work together!  The day is quickly approaching, a movie that has been years in the making taking a deliberate cautious path in order to get all its various elemental parts put together in a solid working order and we are just a few short months away.  The reason I am confident in this movie is because Marvel has really taken the time to find the people with the talent and quality needed to put the precursor movies together right.  They haven’t been afraid to choose atypical choices, individuals who are not versed in superhero/action movies, and I think that has really paid off well.  I can’t wait to see this movie, and like the Dark Knight Rises, there are a maelstrom of awesome rumors swirling around about what surprises await us in this epic comic book adaptation!  We’ll just have to wait and see!

Finally here are a few others that I’m interested in, but don’t really know enough about to comment on at this time!  For a more extensive list of movies coming out in 2012 check out this LINK to movie!

Other 2012 Movies!

Dorothy of Oz

Dark Shadows

Jack the Giant Killer

G.I. Joe:  Retaliation

Hotel Transylvania (Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky)

That is all!

Mindless Philosophy: 2011 in review

In case you’ve been wondering I’ve taken a brief holiday hiatus in order to get through the multitude of celebrations the wife and I attend with our families this time of year.  However have no fear, I will be returning to my regularly scheduled blogging shortly!  Until then here is the year in review from the good folks at!  Take a peek.


The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2011 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A New York City subway train holds 1,200 people. This blog was viewed about 6,600 times in 2011. If it were a NYC subway train, it would take about 6 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.