Test Poll: Favorite Babylon 5 Species

So I was sitting here today while my wife was watching something awful on TLC and I decided to goof around and explore some of the options on my blog.  As I poked around I came across the polling feature that is available here.  I had set up the polls awhile ago, but I’ve totally forgotten about it until now.  So bored, and interested to see how this works, I decided to give it a try and make a test poll.  So take a look below, and add your vote!

In my continuing mission to bring Babylon 5 back to the sci-fi cultural forefront I decided to throw together a B5 poll.  Just a simple opinion poll in order to determine what alien races were among the favorites for fans of the show.  Of course there are probably only about three of you out there who actually watched the series enough to even know what the hell I’m talking about, but oh well.  This is only a test anyway I just want to see how it goes.  So regardless of how familiar you are with the show, if you’ve read this post this far than just do me a favor and pick one and vote.

That is all!